Is the mission of Global Grassroots effective?
The broad answer is yes.

— 2009 Impact Assessment

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Our Impact

Since 2006, our mindfulness-based social venture incubator has trained more than 700 change agents, who have gone on to design and launch nearly 200 social ventures, which have touched the lives of more than 210,000 people.

Our 96 percent sustainability rate over 14 years among just our women-led water infrastructure ventures is unusual in our field.

Global Grassroots aims to have a transformative impact on an individual level, including both our graduates and the target population they serve, and on a collective level, including our network of conscious social change teams and the broader society in which they operate. Following are our specific program and outcome objectives, and the impact we aim to have on an individual and collective level:

Program Objectives:
  • Our primary program objective is to accelerate the process of personal and societal transformation through training, resources, fellowship and on-going facilitation.
  • We aim to maximize social value creation and productivity by having the broadest/deepest impact possible for the chosen level of financial investment.
  • Our social venture training objective is to provide all the hard skills needed to create a plan for a viable civil society organization that will address a core issue facing women.
  • Our personal transformation objective is to help these future change leaders deepen their sense of power, expand their sense of self-awareness, develop tools for transforming oppression and suffering, cultivate compassion and develop the capacity to initiate social change responsibly from a place of clarity, commitment and purpose.
  • Our social transformation objective is to build the systems, tools, networks and support structures that will catalyze the ongoing growth of communities of conscious social change agents.

Outcome Objectives:

  • By the end of 12 months after project launch, all participants will raise their sense of wellbeing by 50%.
  • By the end of 12 months after project launch, the participants' sense of power and confidence has increased by 75%.
  • At the end of 12 months of project oversight, 80% of funded ventures are operating sustainably as civil society organizations rooted in their own communities.
  • That at the end of 12 months, all ventures operating sustainably are having a measurable social impact at the root level of the social issue they are designed to address, affecting women.
  • By the end of 12 months, 75% of teams who participated in the Academy have acquired advanced project planning and non-profit management skills, which have been deemed sufficient to launch their own social ventures.

Theory Deepening personal consciousness and contributing towards the common good are both essential to social change.

The architecture necessary to support the advancement of conscious social change is underdeveloped.

Individual Graduates
  • Knowledge of non-profit management skills
  • Exhibits conscious leadership skills
  • Sense of Emotional Wellbeing/Perceived power/Actual power
  • Economic wellbeing
  • Trauma healing
  • Adequately targeting marginalized women
  • Engagement and leadership of team members in community decision-making
  • Sense of belonging to Global Grassroots network of change agents
  • Sense of value to community or purpose to serve the common good
  • Collective consciousness practice

Teams/Social Projects
  • Number of ventures launched versus trained
  • Non-profit skills applied
  • Financial sustainability
  • Social impact at root level
  • Strength of organization / conscious decision-making
  • Architecture of support systems evolving
  • Network of teams building around issue areas (water, violence) or program model (theater, trainings)
  • Spread of skills and tools to other groups or use in spin-off projects
  • Degree of team collaboration or mentorship
  • Partnerships with stakeholders and donors

Broader Target Population: Vulnerable Women
  • Numbers of individuals served, lives transformed
  • Strength of organization / conscious decision-making
  • Ripples of change to families and whole communities
  • Academy and ventures creating systemic change benefiting marginalized women
  • Engagement of volunteers, stakeholders, local officials, new donors

> Read more about how we evaluate our impact

> Read testimonials about the impact of our work

Our Impact in 2021

>Read Our Year-End Update (.pdf)

>Read Our Mid-Year Update (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2020

>Read Our Fall Update (.pdf)

>Read Our Spring Update (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2019

>Read Our Winter Update (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2018

>Read About The Impact Of Our Water Ventures in this first part of an independent report by IPSOS. (.pdf) Commissioned by The CocaCola Foundation, Global Water Challenge, and USAID, IPSOS studied the impact of water on women's empowerment and presented their findings, including those from Global Grassroots, at 2018 Stockholm World Water Week (.pdf)
Read the second part of the report here.

Our Impact in 2017

>Read About Our Most Recent Data from Our Water Ventures (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2015

>Read About the Ripple Effects of Our Work with Young Women (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2014

In 2014, Global Grassroots engaged Jefferson Scholars from the University of Virginia to conduct an independent impact assessment of our programs in Rwanda and Uganda. Read their full report:
>2014 Impact Assessment (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2013-2014

>Download our 2014 Impact Assessment (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2012

Global Grassroots 2011 Portraits of Transformation

Our interactive magazine

Explore stories of personal growth and social change, told through photography, writing, and video.

Our Impact in 2011

>Download our 2011 Impact Assessment (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2010

Global Grassroots 2010 Magazine

>Download our 2010 Annual Report (.pdf)

Our Impact in 2009

Global Grassroots 2009 Rwanda

Global Grassroots 2009 Rwanda

View our video highlighting Global Grassroots impact in 2009
by Global Grassroots

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1950 Lafayette Road
Suite 200, Box 1
Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA
Tel (+1) 603.787.5759‬

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