Dedicated Workers

Date the team formed: 2013
Number of team members: 47
Total number of beneficiaries: 497
Amount Funded:$522
Dedicated Workers (Aketo Koma), is our second water team to launch in Uganda. Dedicated Workers initially completed their Academy for Conscious Change intensive training in 2013, and launched a social venture aimed at radically reducing the rate of domestic violence in their region. Working with over 250 people, Dedicated Workers succeeded in making Paibona Jugu village a safer place for women and children. They were so successful, that they expanded their reach to five nearby villages impacting the lives of 500 additional people.
In 2018, Dedicated Workers applied for a venture expansion grant to rehabilitate and operate a borehole/water venture, which now serves 616 people from over 88 households. In addition to providing safe, clean, accessible water, Dedicated Workers is training 120 women and 89 men on the benefits of personal and family hygiene practices at home as well as safe and clean water collection at the water point.
Dedicated Workers is passionate about decreasing the incidence of water-borne diseases among women, men, and children by 60%. If their past success is any indication of their future achievements, we have all the faith in the world that Dedicated Workers will once again transform the lives of the families in their village.