Global Grassroots has concluded its operations as a US 501(c)(3) and we joyfully celebrate the initiatives of our staff who carry on our legacy in East Africa.
A Moment of Transformation
Global Grassroots has always honored local leadership and local ideas. Our mission was to catalyze women and girls as leaders of conscious social change in their communities. We have now come to a potent moment of transformation where our organization has achieved its mission and we are dissolving to make way for something new. We celebrate the initiatives of our staff and communities in Rwanda and Uganda who are carrying on our legacy and leading this work from within - both from within their local communities and as inner-driven leaders. We invite you to support Umurage Growth in Rwanda and Resilience from Within in Uganda.
We thank our Founder, Gretchen Ki Steidle, for inspiring a culture and practice of inner work and mindful action for social justice. We thank our staff for embodying our values and working with such devotion to our local women partners and their dreams. We thank our board for stewarding our organization through challenges and opportunity with such wisdom and faith. We thank our donors for trusting and investing in us so that we might pursue this radical method of deep transformation. And we thank our community of women, girls, and partners, for showing the world that mindfulness, compassion, and collaboration can achieve impossible shifts.
Donors & Partners
We’d like to thank the many, many individuals and organizations who helped Global Grassroots deliver on its mission for 17 years. Your contributions, support and partnership - and the relationships that bloomed from those - matter greatly to us, and we hope will continue as other Conscious Social Change models continue to develop around the globe.